For law graduates who are unemployed, it can be challenging to have a delay in getting your career started. After working hard and graduation, it’s easy to become desperate when attempting to land a job. For those who are unemployed law graduates, there are a...
For many lawyers, the 9-5 work life is not nearly as common as a 12-hour day. With the constant pressure to meet client demands and working with partners, working around the clock happens more often than not. However, it is important to work smarter in addition to...
Laws have a gravity of all their own. They determine the rules of our society, chart the penalties after our misdeeds, and lay the very foundation for how our communities function on a daily basis. Sometimes, though, these solemn laws can be remarkably silly. ...
Law school is over and you’ve finally secured your first job – but now what? Getting to this point may have seemed like a marathon and yet your entire career still lies ahead. There are many questions to still be answered and many unknowns that have not...
Small claims court is a special division court that is used to settle disputes quickly, inexpensively, and without the need for a lawyer. In most jurisdictions, small claims courts restrict their dockets to only include claims of less than $10,000. Additionally,...
Everyone gets pulled over eventually. Sometimes it’s because of a perceived violation, other times it’s because the officer noticed something rote about the car and needs to either confirm your safety or inform you of an unsafe situation (for example, if...