Tips for Improving Client Service

Tips for Improving Client Service

When fighting legal battles is your nine-to-five job,  perpetually maintaining an empathetic mindset can be difficult. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; after all, if a lawyer tried to be emotionally invested in every case she fought, she would likely find...
A Look into an Upcoming SCOTUS Case

A Look into an Upcoming SCOTUS Case

Laypeople tend to see laws as being set in stone and incontrovertible – and theoretically, they are. However, our legal system in practice relies on argument and interpretation far more often than you might think. In the span of a few inflected words, the...
Preparing for Life After College: Advice for Law Students

Preparing for Life After College: Advice for Law Students

Saturday night rolls around and you find yourself where you usually are on weekend nights: buried under a veritable mountain of legal tomes, trying to scribble out a paper before your midnight deadline. You manage to pull a coherent piece with the help of several...
Top 6 Law Podcasts of 2017

Top 6 Law Podcasts of 2017

There’s no doubt about it – lawyers are some of the most overworked, busy professionals out there. It can be hard – if not nearly impossible! – to balance a keeping up with current events on top of caseloads, clients, and personal lives....


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